Fuelling great employee experiences – ENGAGE and LACE Partners join forces
As we start an exciting new phase in delivering people-led change, we’re forging a powerful partnership with LACE Partners – taking engagement to another level through great employee experience and effective leadership. We’ll be working together to develop advanced analytical approaches to empower Chief People Officers (CPOs) in leveraging data for enhanced engagement and employee […]
Why leadership teams need clarity about how they will work together
At ENGAGE, we have worked with several leadership teams in the last few years who, when we first met them, had no explicit rules about how they wanted to work together. None of them were, at that time, high performing. All of our leadership team data suggests that successful teams need a set of rules […]
Why senior teams need to know each other better to build trust and performance
Trust is the fuel that powers executive teams to perform. At ENGAGE, we work with a multitude of senior leadership teams. Some have strong starts and create marginal gains; others struggle and need to make significant changes in order to succeed. However, our data shows that those with high trust levels are over 35% […]
Why senior teams need clarity around their core purpose
What is our purpose? This is the big question executive leadership teams should be asking themselves. Yet it’s one they rarely (sometimes never) discuss. ENGAGE has worked with hundreds of senior leadership teams over the years, and our data tells us some pretty stark facts: High-performing teams have a strong sense of purpose. In fact, […]
7 emerging workplace trends for 2024
2023 saw some big challenges for business leaders, HR teams and organisations alike. Our prediction is that 2024 will be even more stretching, based on three factors: Disruptions will continue to come thick and fast as the business world becomes increasingly volatile Companies will have to face even more frequent and fundamental organisational […]
Are your team’s fit enough and ready to take on the seen and unseen challenges ahead?
The best teams have a big impact on organisational success There’s good news and bad news about teams. Lots of research from the past few years shows that high performing teams have a huge impact on hard business outcomes: High-achieving teams enjoy a 23% boost in performance compared with underachieving teams [“Accelerating performance in teams”, […]
The Crucial Role of Middle Managers & How Business Leaders Can Keep Them Engaged
Middle managers are vital cogs in your business. Rolling up their sleeves and chipping in to complete the tasks at hand, while also activating engagement and providing leadership and guidance to those they manage. In recent years, businesses have started to acknowledge and understand the significant impact middle managers have, especially as important connectors: bridging […]
How stress is damaging your business – and what can you do about it
UK workers are now taking more sick days than at any other point in the last decade. According to new research from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), the average number of sick days per employee per year now stands at 7.8, which is a full two days more than the same survey […]
How a truly diverse and inclusive workplace can benefit your organisation
Discussions around diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace have intensified in recent years. This was sparked by the tragic events of 2020 which saw a surge in support for the Black Lives Matter movement and highlighted inequalities across society. This public debate also placed organisations and their diversity credentials under the microscope. Quite […]
How Proactive Listening Can Empower Leaders
Deep listening is a powerful tool for leaders. CEOs who can proactively and intentionally listen to engage employees and drive performance further – and it’s something we support new CEOs with as they embark on their tenure. In our recent article on proactive listening as a CEO, we assessed the multiple ways leaders can improve […]