The Crucial Role of Middle Managers & How Business Leaders Can Keep Them Engaged

Middle managers are vital cogs in your business. Rolling up their sleeves and chipping in to complete the tasks at hand, while also activating engagement and providing leadership and guidance to those they manage.  In recent years, businesses have started to acknowledge and understand the significant impact middle managers have, especially as important connectors: bridging […]

How stress is damaging your business – and what can you do about it

UK workers are now taking more sick days than at any other point in the last decade. According to new research from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), the average number of sick days per employee per year now stands at 7.8, which is a full two days more than the same survey […]

How a truly diverse and inclusive workplace can benefit your organisation

Discussions around diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace have intensified in recent years. This was sparked by the tragic events of 2020 which saw a surge in support for the Black Lives Matter movement and highlighted inequalities across society. This public debate also placed organisations and their diversity credentials under the microscope.  Quite […]

How Proactive Listening Can Empower Leaders

Deep listening is a powerful tool for leaders. CEOs who can proactively and intentionally listen to engage employees and drive performance further – and it’s something we support new CEOs with as they embark on their tenure. In our recent article on proactive listening as a CEO, we assessed the multiple ways leaders can improve […]

How CEOs Can Become Better Proactive Listeners

Listening matters. And it’s now more important than ever before – particularly for leaders. Modern life shows us that listening is becoming something of a lost art. With increased volumes of communication over social media and phones, people are talking a lot more, and listening a lot less. Leaders who have listening skills are not […]

Zoom orders staff back to the office: what’s changing in the RTO debate?

Zoom, who became synonymous with working from home while offices closed during the pandemic, recently made headlines with their ‘structured hybrid approach’ to return to the office (RTO). Still a point of contention between leaders and employees – as discussed in our recent blog article – Zoom is not the only major company to set […]

Should Being In The Office On A Monday Be Mandatory?

The debate around return-to-office (RTO) policies is turning into a tug-of-war between leaders and employees, with HR sometimes in the middle acting as an honest broker. At ENGAGE, we’re hearing two very different points of view on a regular basis – especially when it comes to what should happen on Mondays… The senior leader view […]

How collaboration can transform your organisation

Almost every CEO we interact with sees improved collaboration as increasingly vital to business success. It doesn’t matter what sector they’re in; whether they’re fintech, media, financial services, manufacturing or professional services, it’s clear that collaboration among their leaders, teams and people opens the door to long-term success. But how, in a world where collaboration […]

How evidence-based HR can drive organisational transformations

In the current highly volatile and uncertain environment, every business is facing an increasing number of organisational shifts. These shifts can transform businesses – sometimes at a rapid pace. According to McKinsey’s recent research, The State of Organisations 2023 (authored by Dr. Patrick Guggenberger, Dana Maor, Michael Park and Dr. Patrick Simon) there are ten […]

Burnout and resignations: what can we do to stem the tide?

Research has shown that poor wellbeing in the form of burnout from demanding roles, with the added pressures of caring responsibilities, is one of the core reasons that people are quitting their jobs in 2022[1]. It is perhaps no surprise, then, that the Future Workplace 2021 HR Sentiment Survey found that employee wellbeing and mental […]